
Fees for sessions with Weaving Wellness Centre practitioners vary based on the depth and degree of training of the therapist.

Please get in contact with us to learn more.

As Weaving Wellness is committed to making therapy more accessible, the Centre offers limited sliding-scale spots for clients experiencing significant financial barriers.


Therapy may be covered in full or in part by your extended health benefits plan. Clients are encouraged to review the conditions of any coverage they may have and the professionals they are eligible to work with. Our practitioners work with individuals throughout the province of Ontario.

For those clients who do not have coverage through a third party, the Canada Revenue Agency typically recognizes therapy by registered psychotherapists or social workers as a medical expense eligible for tax credit. Weaving Wellness’ therapeutic services are not covered by OHIP. 

For Indigenous clients, several of our practitioners are registered providers with the Non-Insured Health Benefits program (NIHB) and the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support program (IRSRHSP) with Indigenous Services Canada, as well as the Mental Health and Addiction Program with the Métis Nation of Ontario.